Medications That Cause Weight Loss - Things To Know

Diabetes is an incurable disease that causes a wide range of problems for the patient. It can lead to organ damage, heart attack, blindness, nerve damage and many other complications. In order to control blood sugar levels, patients are often treated with medicines. However, many of these medicines can cause weight loss. This is because they lower the amount of glucose in the body, which has many negative side effects.

diabetes medications that cause weight loss

It is important to realize that medication can cause weight loss in a way that is different from how it causes it. For instance, some diabetics lose weight because they slow their digestion. When they eat less food, the body does not need to use its muscles as much. They also do not produce as much of the feel-good hormones like serotonin, which are normally needed to make us feel good. These hormones act as neurotransmitters, telling the brain what to do.

Medications affect the level of sugar in the blood sugar in ways that can cause you to lose weight. The main problem is that there is a very delicate balance between glucose and insulin in the body. If either of these is out of whack, the body can become dangerously sugar dependent. Insulin injections or the oral consumption of sugar pills work by changing the amount of glucose in the body, which allows it to be more easily used by other cells.

The problem is that once the sugar levels are too high, the pancreas has no choice but to secrete more insulin to bring them back into balance. High insulin levels also cause fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath. This sets up a chain reaction that eventually leads to the blood sugar levels returning to normal. This means that if you are having difficulty controlling your diabetes and your doctor suggests you take insulin, be sure to listen carefully. Just as excess insulin can be toxic, low amounts of it can also be dangerous.

Some diabetics will take insulin for the rest of their life to keep their sugar levels balanced. If this sounds like an option for you, ask your doctor about insulin pumps, which allow you to self-manage your diabetes medications so you never have to go on insulin. These pumps will help you control your dosage and therefore reduce the amount of insulin you need to take each day. They are sometimes covered by insurance.

One thing you should remember when considering using prescription medications to lose weight is that they are not a cure for diabetes. They are just another tool you can use to achieve your goal. You should never rely on them as a way to keep your diabetes under control. They simply are one more way to lose weight.

There are natural alternatives to diabetes medications that cause weight loss. They include the herbs Hoodia and green tea, which have been known to help people lose weight. Also consider taking fish oil, which has been shown in studies to help regulate blood glucose. And finally, you may want to consider learning some of the basic home diabetes medications that allow you to self-manage your diabetes medications so you never have to go on a maintenance dose.

It's important that if you are going to take prescription medications for weight loss that you discuss them with your doctor first. You should also know how to use natural remedies and weigh loss supplements safely. Your doctor may be able to provide you with additional information. Finally, it's important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and avoiding drugs or alcohol.


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